

Where Does Christ Fit In? Where Do You Fit In?

If you have a pulse, you’ve been affected emotionally by what has gone on the past several days in our country. I can’t think of one positive emotion.

Anger. Fear. Heartache. Discouragement. Hopelessness. Uncertainty. Confusion. Just a few that come to mind.

Flooding the hearts and souls of believers and non-believers, these painful emotions are crushing.

This week, I’ve found it hard to concentrate when I read my Bible. I pray but my mind drifts. Can you relate?

When we see upheaval all day and night on the news, it dominates our thinking. From the initial, graphic videos of George Floyd to the destruction of our cities, the terror captures our hearts.

If our faith in Christ is to be real, now is the time. Our relationship with the Savior is tested in turmoil. Will we look like the world or look like Jesus? Will we take sides and shout? Or stand in the center, side-by-side with Jesus who offers hope, peace, love, grace and life-transformation?

We should be driven to our knees in prayer. A desperation that makes us cling to Jesus, not expressed in hostile thoughts, words or actions.

My life is dedicated to helping 1 million believers know the Christ of the cross.

Not knowing about. But knowing him intimately. It starts with me. How well do I really know my Savior? Crises like this make me ask that question. It’s easy to be a believer when everything is fine. But how about now, when the nation seems to be crumbling?

Am I seeking more news to feed a craving? Or am I so moved I cannot get enough of Jesus? I’m afraid I’m somewhere in between, and certainly not pursuing Christ like I should.

God is watching how we respond. First, how we respond to him. Then, how we respond to others. How do our conversations with the Lord go? And when we’re with friends and family, what do we say to them?

Two hours ago, a friend tweeted a verse that opened my eyes. “Let us not become weary in doing good, for at the proper time we will reap a harvest if we do not give up.” (Galatians 6:9 NIV)

I have to admit, I’m not sure how well I am reflecting Christ. If my relationship with Jesus is deep, the evidence will be clear. The fruit of the Spirit will sprout for all to see. How much is evident in your life?

  • Love
  • Joy
  • Peace
  • Patience
  • Kindness
  • Goodness
  • Gentleness
  • Self-control

I can’t tell you how to live out your relationship with Christ in this upheaval, on the heels of the Coronavirus.

But I do know God has our attention and wants us to do business with him. Each one. Personally. And as a church.

One comment on Where Does Christ Fit In? Where Do You Fit In?

  1. Sandra Hawkins says:

    Jon, I am personally trying hard to focus on Christ and less on the news. First thing every morning and the last thing every night I spend alone time with HIM. And when I take my daily walk it’s an opportunity to “walk with Him”. The struggle still seems to be whenever I talk with a neighbor or am on the phone with a friend ….“Did you hear what happened in ……”. I want to stay positive and help others do the same. The fruits of the spirit need to be the focus …… thank you!!

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