Month: August 2020

On my back for 48 hours

I know. I’ve gone AWOL. No posts on here for weeks.

But I have a good excuse.

It all started when I pulled the grocery bag out of the car. First, let me back up a little…

Noonie and I were enjoying a short vacation at the beach. After all the Coronavirus isolation, we had decided to get out of Dodge.

Oh, it started well. Warm water, sunny days, relaxation. Then that grocery bag thing happened. As I straightened up after grabbing the bag, I felt my lower back muscle twinge. Quickly, I knew it was more than a subtle inconvenience. It slowed me down. A lot.

But that was just the beginning. The next night in the hotel room, I spotted the state mascot: a cockroach. I leaned over and my nerves exploded, running down my left leg. The pain was a 12 on a 10 scale. I called to Noonie. She thought I was going to faint. So did I. Somehow, in the excruciating pain, I managed to lay myself flat on the bed.

And that was my position for 48 hours, the beach just 100 yards away. I couldn’t do anything without pain. No raising of my head, no turning over, no ability to sit up. The muscle pull, compounded by the pinched nerve, totally incapacitated me.

Could the story get worse?


After two days of continued pain, still flat on my back and a call to my doctor, we had to summon the paramedics to take me to the ER. It was my first ambulance ride, my first emergency room visit, and my first experience with morphine. Two doses of that finally allowed me to sit up, stand up and make it to the car for the overnight trip home.

That was a month ago and I still have lingering leg pain and a strained lower back muscle. I’ve been scanned, pricked, and shocked in the past four weeks. I’m improving, but still taking it easy.

And that’s why I haven’t posted here.

I’m grateful for all who have prayed for me. I have experienced the results of those prayers.

The other day, I finally had the opportunity to spend a half-day with God in my right mind. No meds. Mental agility back to normal. Emotionally stronger. I was ready to listen to God while I read his Word.

Through all this, God has made it clear that July wasn’t a month to forget, but a month to pivot and rejoice. My desire for the past several months has been to know Christ. But I had hoped to avoid the last phrase in this verse: “I want to know Christ–yes, to know the power of his resurrection and participation in his sufferings.” (Philippians 3:10 NIV).

A person knows Christ in a totally unique way in suffering. I can attest to that. Jesus has walked with me through the pain of the past month.

Another prayer I’ve had in recent months is to help other believers know the Christ of the cross. My painful ordeal helps me to be more compassionate and understanding with the people the Lord brings into my life. That was a big lesson for me.

Almost everyone is experiencing pain of some kind, whether it be physical, emotional or spiritual. We’re broken people. For so long, I’ve been in great health, running three miles at a time. I’m not running for a while. Or maybe ever again.

Whatever pain you bring to the table in your Christian journey, I see you differently than I did in June. The Lord allowed me to experience pain so I can now better empathize with my brothers and sisters who join me in this journey to know Christ.

I leave you with the verse from Paul that has inspired and guided me this year: “What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord, for whose sake I have lost all things. I consider them garbage, that I may gain Christ.” (Philippians 3:8 NIV)

What has God taught you through pain? I feel like my pain has been minimal compared to the pain so many friends experience every day. Share your thoughts.

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