

How Can We Know Jesus?

(NOTE: I’m feeling much better than when I last posted. Thank you to all who have been praying for me. And to those who contacted me with words of encouragement, I am grateful. My back muscles have healed. My leg is still a little numb, but getting better. Believe it or not, I joined a Herniated Disc Facebook Group! Yes, there is one. With 25,000 members).

Knowing someone on earth is one thing, but how can we know the God in heaven?

Good question.

We can’t reach out and touch Jesus. We can converse with him, but not in the way we would our spouse. I’m not one who audibly hears the voice of Jesus.

We can’t go out to dinner together. Or ride bikes. Or spend a day at the beach with each other. Or take a walk together. Discuss the day when we get home from work.

In a sense, we can, but I think you know what I mean. Knowing Jesus is a whole different concept and needs a different approach than getting to know your kids or friends.

Let’s go back to Philippians 3:8: “What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord.” (NIV)

I did a word study on knowing. I wanted to know what it meant, I guess. (Chuckle). It was fascinating. I learned that the word means to “experientially know.”

Aha. I had made a breakthrough. Knowing Jesus like Paul knew Jesus isn’t about facts. It’s about experience. Head vs. heart. Intellect vs. living.

The word study also revealed that it was a knowledge gleaned from first-hand (personal) experience. In other words, I can’t know Jesus vicariously through my pastor. Indeed, I can listen to the most inspiring sermon about Jesus, but that doesn’t replace knowing him first-hand.

Knowing Jesus is experiencing Jesus. And experience comes from time spent with him. A minute ago I said that knowing Jesus is nothing like knowing a friend or spouse. At the core, however, it is. We just have to go through a different process to know our Savior.

Experiencing Jesus happens in some of the darkest and challenging times of our lives. My wife’s battle with cancer turned into a season of knowing Jesus. We came to the throne of grace over and over again, standing in the presence of our Lord. Personally, I spent many stretches of time pouring my heart out to Jesus, in tears at times. Then I soaked in his love, peace, care and strength. Cancer season brought me closer to Jesus. I felt I knew him well.

My recent pain-filled experience on my back was a knowing Jesus opportunity. It drew me closer to my Savior.

Knowing Jesus doesn’t always have to come in trial. God never meant it to be that way. He wants to know us daily. A close friendship experiences highs and lows together, but mostly the normal in-between seasons. You do life together, enjoying each other.

Jesus desires that we come to know him in all seasons, not only when we face the hard times. We need our Savior every day.

Pursue him desperately. Today.

3 comments on How Can We Know Jesus?

  1. Sandra Hawkins says:

    Well said, Jon. Every day is an opportunity to get to know Jesus better. Sharing the happy times of celebration is one way, but the times I have grown closest is clearly during the tough times. Like when my son experienced brain cancer. I so wanted God to let it be me. Kiley said … “Mom, God picked me …. let it be me!” We all grew closer to God during those years of joy and of tears. To me it comes down to a choice. I can whine and complain or I can look for Jesus ….. I know I have missed Him many times …… Your words encourage me to keep my eyes and my heart open. Thank you!

  2. Sheryl says:

    Hi Jon,
    So good to hear you are feeling better. You are right. Every day is an opportunity to get to know Christ better. In the good times it is easy, but it in the challenging times, we are testes. My mom being sick, and my inability to travel has been my “getting to know Jesus better”, opportunity. I has been difficult, but it forced me to trust God more. In addition, I am the servant leader of the Wellness Ministry at my church and the challenge of maintaining a vibrant ministry despite Covid, has forced my into a closer relationship with Christ. Meeting on Zoom, and keeping each meeting exciting has peaked my dependence on God.
    God bless and thank you for your encouraging words.

    1. Jfuglerwriter says:

      Cheryl, that’s great that you’re leaning into Jesus AND that you’re translating that into ministry.

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