Embracing the Brown
How easy it is to praise Jesus when things are going right. In fact, we equate smooth sailing with God’s will. When things are good, we’re sure God has us in that great place. When things are bad, we question whether we’re in God’s will.
Unfortunately, it’s the Western way of thinking. Not God’s way. We equate success with God’s blessing; hardship with his punishment. I know that’s a pretty harsh statement, but it’s true.
“I got a new job! Praise God!”
“I lost my job today. Lord, please help me get out of this mess.”
My lawn turned brown this month. From lush green to dead and gone in just a few weeks. I was really bummed. In fact, it occupied my thinking a lot during the day. It became my focus. I enjoy green grass and pride myself in the way I take care of it. So you can imagine the negative thoughts that crept into my mind.
Then it hit me. Why was I complaining? It’s not a big deal. In fact, I realized that God wanted to use my brown lawn to build his Kingdom. “C’mon, Jon,” you say, “that’s going a bit too far.”
Let me explain. We had just moved into our neighborhood and had asked God to give us opportunities to share Jesus with our neighbors. Our lawn soon became a conversation piece with everyone we talked with, including random people who strolled by for an evening walk. It has provided for some great interactions!
We prayed and God answered with the gift of a brown lawn. Maybe this will become a neighborhood project!
What’s your brown lawn? Don’t see it as God’s displeasure with you. Embrace it as God’s gift.
The brown lawns of life test the depth of our relationship with Jesus. When we are rooted in him, the storms above ground don’t sway us. When we aren’t rooted well in Jesus, we get yanked around by circumstances and hardships.
Rooted firmly in Jesus, we see things as he does. We understand that Jesus hasn’t abandoned us in hardship. In fact, he is right there with us. Hardship strengthens our fellowship with him. Our roots go deeper in tough times if we embrace them with Jesus.
Having an eternal perspective is so important when serious, difficult and trying situations hit your life. Jesus is the source of that perspective. Lean into him and drive your spiritual roots deeper.
Have a talk with Jesus today about the brown lawn in your life. Ask him to use it for his glory.
(From my new devotional Your Life With God: 30 Days With Jesus. Available in Kindle and paperback formats on Amazon).
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