
March 26, 2021 Jfuglerwriter Comments Off on Why Know Jesus?

Why Know Jesus?

Has following and obeying Jesus has gotten too much press?

I’ve read a ton of books and have heard a thousand sermons that tell me how to obey Jesus. All the way from behaving Christ-like to understanding God’s will, I’ve ingested countless Biblical principles to make the Christian life work.

They accomplished their job. I learned, applied and got results. God’s Word laid it all out for me.

But I missed something. Let me explain.

If following Jesus really works, so many Christians wouldn’t be asking, “Why is my relationship with him so dull? Where’s my joy? How come I live with guilt, loneliness, discouragement, frustration, anger, discontentment, lack of faith and feel distant from God?”

In all the busyness of obeying Christ, we’ve blown past the #1 thing that Jesus wants. And that is to know him.

I contend that so many of us have overshot Jesus. And we feel distant from God.

Knowing his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ was the overarching reason for Paul to live. He said, “What is more, I consider everything a loss because of the surpassing worth of knowing Christ Jesus my Lord” (Philippians 3:8 NIV)

As believers, we need to pursue the same passion Paul did. This is a hard-right turn from where most of us have been heading.

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However, if you’re up for knowing Christ as Paul did, stay with me on this journey.

Why know Jesus? All of life hinges on it. Jesus leads us into a treasured relationship with him.

I look forward to sharing more in the days ahead.

In closing, I want to let you know about a community of believers who are pursing Christ together. Fresh Faith 24/7 is built around knowing him. Find out more at www.freshfaith247.com.

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