
October 1, 2019 Jfuglerwriter Comments Off on God Rested

God Rested

“And on the seventh day God finished his work that he had done, and he rested on the seventh day from all his work that he had done.” (Genesis 2:2 ESV)

God must have been exhausted after creating the universe, because he took a whole day off. I know that’s a ridiculous thought, but we can’t ignore the fact that God did rest. And he did it for a reason.

Rest was so important to God that, later on, he gave mankind the Sabbath for the purpose of rest.

God didn’t need rest, of course, but he created us to need rest. We’re reminded of that at the end of every day and at times during the day. As much as we think we’re independent, strong, capable and great, the daily need for rest puts us in our place. In bed!

Just last week someone reminded me that God gave his people the Sabbath not as a burden, but as a gift. In our world, we value work and achievement. The thought of setting aside a full day for rest is nearly incomprehensible. It doesn’t fit our lifestyle. Giving God just an hour or two to worship once a week is such a stretch that most “regular” churchgoers only attend two or three times a month.

This isn’t a devotional on the Sabbath. Entire books have been written on it. But we can’t ignore that rest is a huge priority to God and has been since creation. It should be to us.

I admit it’s a challenge to rest. It doesn’t come easy, even when we’re intentional about it.

I’ve learned in the early days of my 66-day challenge that it takes the first few minutes to settle my heart, soul and spirit. I can’t just go into “rest mode.” I slip into it as I sit calmly in solitude. You may find that to be true for you. When I get to the point where I feel I’m resting, it’s wonderful. It’s refreshing. It’s good.

The same person who shared with me about the Sabbath being a gift from God also pointed out a way to make sure rest becomes a priority. He called it the big rock principle. Drop a big rock into a jar. Then begin dropping in smaller rocks and they settle around the big one.

The big rock for our lives is rest. Make room for it first. The smaller rocks are all our activities and responsibilities. If you put the small rocks in first, there’s no room for the big rock. In fact, you can keep putting in small rocks and have a life that’s unlivable before long.

How will you build rest into your life? Begin thinking about it and ponder it for the next few days. Listen to God. Keep coming back to this concept. Let him carve a personal plan for you. It may fit your lifestyle — or you may have to make lifestyle changes.

I hope you’re taking the 10-minute 66-day challenge with me. That’s a start. A lifestyle of rest can grow out of that.

Here’s a reminder that will re-center you. Above all, your relationship with God is the most important thing in your life. Rest is good but Jesus is best. Don’t miss that as you’re on this journey of figuring out rest.

(From my upcoming book, Your Life With God: 30 Days of Rest, coming to Amazon this month).

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