
March 18, 2019 Jfuglerwriter Comments Off on Christ-Centered Prayer

Christ-Centered Prayer

Do you want your prayer life to be personally empowering and refreshing? Let me recommend Christ-centered prayer.

Hey Jon, aren’t all our prayer supposed to be Christ-centered? Sure, but that doesn’t mean they are.

We can go into prayer two ways. The first is with our needs in the spotlight. The second is with Jesus in the spotlight. There are times when we should lead with our needs, especially when they’re urgent or heavy on our heart. God wants us to come to him openly, for he is our Father.

When your prayer life is Christ-centered, there will be a marked difference in how you come away from your encounters with God. Let’s use today as an example.

I know you’ve got some things to bring to God. Prayer requests of your own and of others. That’s good. We should be doing that.

However, how about starting differently? Let’s begin with Christ. Recognize his presence as you come to the throne of God. Acknowledge him. Honor him. Thank him for being there with you in this time of prayer. Spend a few minutes letting your mind get lost in the thought that the God of the universe has taken time to be present. It’s remarkable. He’s got a big universe to run, but he always has time for you.

That thought is empowering! You’re calling on the One who spoke creation into existence.

Next, talk to Jesus about himself. Recognize and honor him for who he is. He is your Savior, the Living Word, Son of the Most High God, King, Sovereign Lord, Love, Emmanuel (God with us) and so much more.

Are you starting to get excited? Is your focus shifting? Is your spirit being refreshed?

Now bring Jesus your needs but do it in a Christ-centered way. Here’s how. Instead of starting with you, start with him. You’re already focused on Jesus, so continue that way.

Notice the difference. You could pray, “Lord Jesus, I need your wisdom for a couple of big issues today. I’ve got some tough decisions to make.”

Instead, you could pray another way. “Lord Jesus, you are the all-wise God. You’re all-knowing. Praise you for that. Please give me your wisdom today, that I might bring you glory in some really hard decisions I’m facing. I trust in you, not in my own understanding.”

There’s power when Jesus is at the center of your prayers. Instead of focusing on “I” and “me,” focus on “You.” That You is Jesus. And that’s Christ-centered prayer.

If you want your prayer life to be energizing and empowering, enjoying Jesus in a fresh way, then begin your times with God, centering on Jesus.

(From my new devotional Your Life With God: 30 Days of Incredible Prayer, available on Amazon).

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