

Never underestimate your presence. I witnessed this truth several times when my wife was sick with cancer.

When the after-effects of the chemo treatments arrived, she spent much of her time quietly resting. Our Lazy Boy chair that became her best friend while our little dog Biscuit kept her company cuddled in her lap.

I remember many times, in the quiet of the afternoon, the doorbell would ring. Someone was bringing a meal or coming to visit. They weren’t sure how my wife was feeling or how long to stay.

Once they walked into the room, Noonie lit up. It was an absolute sudden transition. This quiet, resting woman was a bright, cheerful person. Sometimes she would get out of the chair and begin the hosting role. It was an amazing sight for me.

You see, just showing up can make a person’s day. This doesn’t work for everyone, but it works for many.

People need people. Whether they have a serious disease or they’re lonely and discouraged, stopping by can change your friend’s life. Occasional visitors helped carry my wife through her tough season. We all want to know someone cares.

One of my favorite Bible verses is this: “Therefore encourage one another and build one another up.” (I Thessalonians 5:11 ESV) We read it and ask, “How?”

You don’t have to do much. Your presence is the key to it all. Just be there. Show up. Make a call. Send a text. Write an email. Mail a card.

When you walk in the door, you bring Jesus. He lives in you and through you. His Spirit can brighten a heart, comfort the hurting, lift a depressed soul or even turn a life around. God wants to use you.

“You are the light of the world.” (Matthew 5:14 NIV)

Never underestimate your presence.

Who needs your presence today?

(From my upcoming devotional Your Life With God: 30 Days of Encouragement. Look for it on Amazon).

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